From probate and estate administration, to challenging wills, aged care and elder abuse, Antunes Lawyers has the right legal skills to guide, care and deliver great outcomes with a human touch.
If you need help in Wills and Estates, rest assured that Antunes Lawyers has the expertise and the compassion to make sure the right result is achieved, as fast and smoothly as possible.
There’s more to the Wills and Estates area of law than meets the eye. Because it’s not just about who you leave money and things to, Wills and Estates legal framework enables you to plan the future and care for loved ones with tailored strategy around legal, financial and medical matters.
For decades Antunes has been helping people from all walks of life navigate the complex legal paths around wills, powers of attorney, guardianships, aged care and estate planning. Which means that when you engage us, you know you have an expert by your side, with a finely tuned human touch.
A team of passionate Wills & Estates specialists, at your service
In Wills & Estates, there’s no room for mistakes.
There are few areas of law that are so sensitive and impactful than Wills and Estates, so when you choose the right people to help in your matter it pays to make sure they can prove they know what they’re doing. Because when it comes to Wills and Estates, there’s no room for mistakes.
Challenging wills. Power of attorney. Guardianships. Probate and estate administration. Aged care. Retirement villages. Elder abuse. Wherever you need help in Wills and Estates, Antunes Lawyers has a first-class legal specialist on hand to help make sure things go the way you need them to.
The level of understanding, dedication and professionalism in ensuring the best possible outcome, were second to none. I was really impressed with their communication skills, Victoria explained everything very clearly , kept me updated and answered all my questions. She has been a constant support throughout the whole process, I have confidence in her ability to get the job done whilst having my best interest at heart.
Liz Donnelly
As importantly as it is to have a good family doctor, Antunes are able to provide that same family service in matters that sometimes seem trivial but can have severe ramifications. Thank you Tim! For your advise and personal service that has provided me with great comfort and security. I look forward to many years of the professional and personal relationship we have established.
Louis Fairlie
Wills and Estates latest news and resources
Funding Your Relative’s Aged Care? Understanding RADs
What should you consider when taking contributing funds towards your relative's aged care fees? The payment of nursing home Refundable Accommodation Deposits or RAD and other aged care fees can be…
An Executor Can Choose the Lawyer to Carry Out Estate Administration
As an executor you may think you must engage the law firm who originally drafted the Deceased's will. However this isn't the case. In fact, it is more beneficial to engage a firm known for their…
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