Funding Your Relative’s Aged Care? Understanding RADs
What should you consider when taking contributing funds towards your relative's aged care fees? The payment of nursing home Refundable Accommodation Deposits or RAD and other aged care fees can be…
Unlocking the Mystery: When Will the Fair Work Commission Grant Costs Orders
The Fair Work Commission is by and large, a no-costs jurisdiction. Meaning parties in proceedings before the Commission bear their own costs. However, the Act incorporates various provisions that…
An Executor Can Choose the Lawyer to Carry Out Estate Administration
As an executor you may think you must engage the law firm who originally drafted the Deceased's will. However this isn't the case. In fact, it is more beneficial to engage a firm known for their…
Contractors v Employees
There is a fine line between what constitutes a contractor and an employee, therefore employers act with caution when distinguishing between the two.
Sexual Harassment In The Workplace? See How Recent Changes To Legislation Affects You
The Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 has been enacted to amend a suite of legislation relating to discrimination. These amendments follow the…
Duty on Acknowledgments of Trust – Law Reform in the NSW Duties Regime
It is important that you obtain legal advice when executing documents that acknowledge an existing state of affairs and could be construed as constituting a declaration of trust. The execution of…
Special Disability Trust
If you are thinking of establishing a Special Disability Trust, it is important that you obtain legal advice so that the document you execute gives effect to your wishes and is compliant with legal…
What to do when someone passes away? The all-inclusive checklist to assist you and your family following the death of a loved one.
When someone passes away, you may be overwhelmed with googling ‘what to do next’. At Antunes Lawyers, we have dedicated Wills and Estates Lawyers to assist you with this process. As part of our…
Administering an estate without a Grant from the NSW Supreme Court
When someone passes away, you may be overwhelmed with the processes that follow. At Antunes Lawyers, we have dedicated a Wills and Estates team who can guide you through this process. As part of our…