freedom of opinion and defamation

The fine line between freedom of opinion and defamation

There is a fine line between voicing your opinions and defaming an individual or a company. Explore how to know the difference.

consent orders

What are Consent Orders and how can I apply for them?

There are risks to leaving any agreement on parenting or property arrangements undocumented. Consent orders protect both parties.

Rent review after Covid-19

Can rental rates be reviewed after the COVID-19 prescribed period?

The increased rent which would have been charged to the tenant in accordance with the rent review provisions in the lease can now be charged.

Serving Documents in Family Law Matters

How to Serve Documents in Family Law Matters

Different types of court documents require different methods of service. We outline the different types of service and how to navigate each.

terminating an executive employee

Terminating an Executive Employee

If you are considering terminating an executive employee - understand the risks and your employee's rights.

divorce in Australia marriage overseas

How to get divorced in Australia if you were married overseas?

If you were married overseas you are still able to apply for a Divorce in Australia, provided certain conditions are met. The experienced specialist accredited family lawyers at Antunes can assist…

family unit trust

Do you own property in a fixed unit trust? Are you receiving the benefit of the land tax threshold?

If you own property in a fixed unit trust, you may not be receiving the benefit of the land tax threshold in circumstances where Revenue NSW have assessed the trust as a “special trust”. Find more…

Discrete property list

Is your matter eligible for the Discrete Property List – saving you time and money?

The Discrete Property list is for matters where the parties are seeking financial orders only. The aim of this list is to attempt to deal with matters in a cost-effective way and without lengthy…