Default Judgments
This article will help you understand how to obtain a default judgment. If you‘re a defendant, this article explains what you can do if a default judgment has been entered against you.
Default Judgment and Enforcement of Orders
This article will help you understand the different options for enforcing that judgment. If you‘re a defendant, this article explains what you can do if a default judgment has been entered against…
A battle of the forms: Whose terms and conditions prevail?
In actual fact, there is no real resolution on whose terms apply. Will it be the puchaser or the supplier's terms? The problem that arises is commonly referred to as a ‘battle of the forms’.
Choosing the appropriate governing jurisdiction for your Trust Deed
This article covers the general requirements of a trust deed as well as the relevant considerations when determining the proper governing jurisdiction of the trust.
Guaranteeing a loan? Make sure you are properly protected!
Are you guaranteeing a loan for someone else? Does the lender require a certificate from a lawyer? A guarantee is a promise. A person who guarantees a loan (i.e. the guarantor) accepts the…
Cryptocurrency Crackdown
Under the Australian Taxation system, a taxpayer’s tax liability varies significantly depending on their residency status. Australian residents are taxed not only on their Australian sourced income…
Failure to lodge tax returns
Under the Australian Taxation system, a taxpayer’s tax liability varies significantly depending on their residency status. Australian residents are taxed not only on their Australian sourced income…
Foreign Beneficiary amendment notice
In May 2017 we brought to your attention major changes to Discretionary Trusts as to how assets of Discretionary Trusts may be taxed or dealt with. Extended on two occasions, the NSW Government has…