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Use it or Lose it: How to Remove a Trademark for Non-Use

Registered trademarks can be removed for non-use in the absence of a good faith intention of the trademark owner to use the trademark or a failure by the registered owner to use the trademark during…

court hearing

Business Interruption Insurance Test Cases

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been increased interest in the availability of business interruption insurance. ICA and AFCA supported two test cases in an effort to clarify the position for…

penalty kick

Not paying Super? Penalties are guaranteed.

An employer must pay an employee’s superannuation in accordance with their ordinary pay cycle or once a quarter. In the event that the employer does not pay superannuation, they may be liable for…

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High Court Hands Down Casual Employment Ruling

The High Court’s decision on 4 August 2021 in the case of WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato & Ors has set out new guidelines for employers to consider when drafting their employment contacts. The decision is…

women meeting

Does Your Company Need a Power of Attorney?

Have you ever considered what would happen to your company if you lost your capacity to make decisions? Even if you have a personal Enduring Power of Attorney in place, it doesn’t give rights to your…

corporate meeting

Who Can’t Incorporate a Company in Australia?

Incorporating a company isn’t always as simple as counting 1, 2, 3. There are some hidden hurdles that you may be unaware of which prevent you from registering and managing a company in Australia.…

australian bush

Aboriginal Objects and Places of Cultural Significance

In NSW, it is an offence to harm or desecrate an Aboriginal object or site. It is important to be aware of the potential impact Aboriginal sites and artefacts may have on your property.

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Director Penalty Notices

If a company fails to comply with their obligations, company directors are held personally liable for the amount the company should have paid and can be issued with a director penalty notice (DPN).