
child support agreement requirements

For a child support agreement to be binding, it needs to meet certain requirements

Antunes Lawyers can prepare a Binding Child Support agreement, ensuring all the requirements are…

How do contracts end? Rescission vs. Termination

A contract of sale is usually complete when the parties to the contract have performed their terms…

When should I review and update my Will?

Is your Child Support Agreement binding?

In this closer look at Binding Child Support Agreements, let’s follow a real-life mum and dad on…

binding child support agreement

What is a Binding Child Support Agreement?

Child support in Australia is governed by the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Cth) (‘the…

equal shared parental responsibility

What is Equal Shared Parental Responsibility?

Equal Shared Parental Responsibility means that parents share equally all the “duties, powers,…

consent orders

What are Consent Orders and how can I apply for them?

There are risks to leaving any agreement on parenting or property arrangements undocumented.…

tips after separation

Our Top 10 Tips After Separation

Make sure that you’ve got a counsellor/therapist/best friend on speed dial. If there is no fixing…